Christian Oppression in Iraq

Struan delivered the following speech during a joint debate on human rights, democracy, freedom of the press and media in the world in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 12 June.

The persecution and oppression of religious minorities in Iraq should give us all great cause for concern. The on-going bloody conflict between the Shias and the Sunnis continues to attract the world's attention, while the systematic obliteration of many of the ethnic religious groups goes on virtually without notice.

Stevenson welcomes a better balance on cod stocks

Conservative Fisheries spokesman Struan Stevenson today welcomed a new package of measures designed to address the delicate balance between the recovery of cod stocks and the livelihoods of fishing communities.

As the European Parliament approved two reports aimed at getting the EU’s cod programme back on track, Mr Stevenson said:

“The old plan was delivering the worst of both worlds - no good for cod stocks and no good for fishermen. This readjustment should help to inject some common sense into the management of cod stocks which have begun to make a strong recovery.”


Iran’s election: A choice between Satan and the devil?

If there was ever any doubt that the Iranian regime of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei was on its last legs, his government has now presented the necessary evidence. It has barred the candidacy of the two men who might have displayed anti-regime credentials. Unlike countries where fair elections are held, Iran has rules that guarantee the results. If the ruling mullahs don’t like or fear a candidate, they simply don’t allow them onto the ballot paper.

Heliex Power

Many scientists argue that we could save 75% of the energy we use by improving energy efficiency. Indeed the most effective way to reduce carbon emissions, instead of covering Scotland with useless and costly industrial wind turbines, would be to reduce the amount of energy we waste. A Scottish company is about to explode onto the world’s business pages by putting this theory into practice.



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