It was the failure of the Darien Scheme in the late 1600s that triggered the Act of Union in 1707 and made Scotland a key partner in the United Kingdom, one of the most successful economic unions in history. If Scotland ever votes for independence it will, ironically, create another Darien-style economic disaster, as we breakup a partnership that has seen us share a language, a currency, a flag and a seamless and borderless single market where we’ve done 65% of our trade, for more than 300 years.

"BPUR International; Global Rules to Disarm Religious Extremism"

How often have you been warned not to mention politics or religion, when you meet people in the pub or invite them to your home for dinner? 

Discussions on politics or religion were felt to be high risk, leading to potential conflict. Combining the two could be explosive, as we have learned to our cost in the international arena. Everyone knows of the horrific conflicts which rage periodically around the world and the frequent atrocities that always accompany them and can be laid fairly and squarely at the door of the abusive mixing of religion and politics.


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